Partner with us!
Our work to end river and marine plastic pollution is 100% funded by our incredible sponsors and partners. Plastic pollution is not going to fix itself alone and we need the help of many more partners to create long term environmental change. From small start-ups to large charitable foundations, we are confident that we can clean our world’s most polluted rivers together. Is your company ready to join our mission?
Village Model Partners
Our Village Model Partners allow us to expand our work across the world’s most polluted regions.
Badung, Bali, Indonesia
Partner: Multi sponsored
Banyuwangi, Java, Indonesia
Partner: Corona x Oceanic Global
Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia
Partner: Mariott International
Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia
Partner: Multi sponsored
Kapal, Bali, Indonesia
Partner: Multi sponsored
Rogojampi, Java, Indonesia
Partner: Solgaard
Barrier Partners
Our barriers can be individually sponsored. Each sponsor allows us to place a barrier in one river and clean it every day for one year.